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SWOT & is the go-to portal for any syndicated or custom research needs. The website is visited by thousands of academicians and corporates across the globe.
Our USP is the plump average session duration (ASD) which is better than other news and competitor websites. ASD is the average length of a session that the user engages with the website. More the ASD, more likely is the user to observe and interact with the elements on the web-page. Thus it always makes sense to invest your money on a web-page with a big ASD, where it is more likely to grab the user’s attention.
With state-of-the-art analysis, an average visitor spends over 110 seconds during a given session. This is great opportunity for advertisers to capture the visitor’s attention with your offerings. Your ad post will be displayed across all our 2500+ pages for very reasonable rates (starting $49 per month only).
Any new product or service launches, university courses, corporate events etc. would give you great visibility and response.
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